Thursday, 24 March 2016

My Exhausting Journey Around Halswell Domain

23.3.16 WALT write a recount of an event, for our parents.

My Exhausting Journey Around Halswell Domain.

“Race three!” Mr Forman alerted us with his megaphone. All the year sixes swarmed to Mr Forman like bees to find out what to do. “Individuals please come over here to get your bib and start the race.” Mr Labrook yelled. That’s me I thought to myself as I walked over to him. All of a sudden a pump of adrenaline filled my stomach with horrid butterflies. I lined up to begin the race when I heard Bonnie whisper to me, “ Come on Kayla you can do it!” I began to feel warm inside like I was about to explode. I can do it, I can do it!! I thought. If Bonnie says I can that means I can! “ On your marks!” Oh no!!!

“Get set, GO!” Zoom! All the individuals started the amazing race around Halswell domain. Just jog Kayla, just jog all the people that run will get tired. I thought to myself. “Go find your bike” Mr Labrook called out to me and all the runners nearby. After I found my bike I put on my helmet and got straight onto my bike. I need to go fast so I can come in the top three right now I’m close to third place! Come on Kayla hang in there almost up to the last run. Yes!! One more lap of running to go. How long is this lap going to take! Breath Kayla, breath. “Go Kayla almost there”I could hear people screaming at me as I exhaustively jogged to the finish line.

Yes!! Third place not bad self, not bad. “Uhhh my stomach feels like it's being twisted!” I exclaimed to my friends after the race. Ahh what's happening!!

 Wow what a weird dream I dreamt about yesterday when I did the run bike run. What’s the time? 2:32 am!! Better get some more sleep before school today!

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