WALT: inform others about an animal or habitat, through our writing.
WALT: to spell everyday (and/or difficult) words accurately in our writing.
Success Criteria
Create a title.
Write a general introduction.
Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
Use facts written in your own words.
Write a conclusion.
Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
Write in present tense.
Vary the sentence beginnings.
Use complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.
Life Of The Wild Tiger
Made by: Kayla Pringle

Tigers are a very interesting animal, that's why I wanted to find out more about them.
Usually tigers live where there are trees, bushes and tall clumps of grass. When looking for habitat they consider cover, water and prey. Tigers like to live in swamps, grasslands and rainforests. Most tigers live in Asia, specifically Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Russia. They spray urine and anal glands secretions to trees, that allows them to give off a strong smell. A tiger’s habitat needs to have shade because tigers are very sensitive to the heat.
Tigers are carnivores which means they are meat eaters. Tigers eat large and small prey in the wild. What tigers eat depends on where they live. Tigers will do anything to make sure their prey is safe to eat without being harmed. Tigers mainly eat a dad deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and antelope. Tigers are also known to hunt sloth bears, dogs, leopards, crocodiles and pythons, as well as monkeys and hares. Old and injured tigers have been known to attack humans and domestic cattle.
How they mate.
Tigers mostly mate between late November to early April, this is because it is the hottest time of the year. Males are ready to mate at five years old and females about three and a half. It takes about 16 weeks for Cubs to be born. Usually 3 to 4 cubs are born at a time. Females are usually pregnant, or caring for cubs, for the following 15 years. During the mating process you may hear tigers making lots of howls and whines for each other. When tigers do make contact with each other a dance of smelling each other, purring and even rubbing against each other is commen.
How they sleep.
Tigers usually sleep from 12 to 18 hours a day because they get tired very easily and need a lot of energy to hunt and chase prey. They sleep a lot to balance out energy that is spent hunting fast food and other things like keeping their territory safe from other male tigers and predators. In the wild most tigers are only active at night because they're too busy sleeping during the day. A tiger lives in a repeated cycle, feed and rest, this is because they sleep to get energy and then the hunt for food, but then they get tired again.
Interesting facts.
Tigers are the largest in the cat family.
The roar of a tiger can carry out f
Tigers use their coat as camouflage.
Unlike other cats tigers are good at swimming and cool off on hot days.
There is nine subspecies of tigers, Bengal, Siberian, Indochinese, South Chinese, Sumatran, Malayan, Caspian, Javan and Bali.
Not being strongly adaptive to the dark, tigers’ night vision is about 6 times better than humans
Tigers are an amazing animal, that's why I love them.
anal glands secretions: Oily discharge that leaves a strong scent.
carnivores: Meat eater, only eats meat.
domestic: existing or occurring inside a particular country, not foreign or international.
territory: an area of land that's ruled.
predators: an animal that naturally preys on others.
camouflage: hide or disguise the presences of a ( person, animal or object)
I meet the success criteria by including titles, subheadings, technical words, different sentence
starters, and organisation.
I reached my personal goal by spelling and including difficult words.
My next step is use more technical and descriptive words to make it detailed.
Next Step: My next step is to include more variety of sentence starters.
Write: a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.

Write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.
I need help to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.
I can write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. if I am prompted or directed.
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. but I am not sure when and or why to use them.
(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. and I know when and why to use them.
(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. and I know when and why to use them.
I seek feedback on how to improve how I can write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Success Criteria:
Create a title.
Write a general introduction.
Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
Use facts written in your own words.
Write a conclusion.
Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
Write in present tense.
Vary the sentence beginnings.
Back complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.