Friday, 17 June 2016

Habitat and Species

WALT describe different habitats in New Zealand and species that live in them.
Success Criteria:
  1. Write an introduction
  2. Write a paragraph describing each creature and the habitat
  3. Write a conclusion
  4. Add detail about the habitat eg
    1. Plants, landscape, temperature, weather, animals living there
  5. Add detail about the creatures eg
    1. Appearance
    2. Size
    3. Species they belong to
    4. Diet
    5. If endangered
  6. Use detail and descriptive words

I have chosen to create a New Zealand alpine habitat and I have involved three creatures that live there one endemic, one native and one introduced.

The Alpine habitat includes a lot of unique plants. At the top is the rocky mountain peaks with the smallest of plants like the alpine Lily, Gaultheria depressa and the Hebe tetragona. They grow in the little cracks. Then there is the middle with has lots of grass and shrubs like the Snow tussocks, Hebe and the Dracophyllum. At the tree line there is some interesting trees like Kawaka, Neinei and the Bog pine.

The endemic animal I have chosen is the Rock Wren. The Rock Wren is a alpine bird with a short tail, rounded wings and long legs and toes. It is small, but tall with a vibrant yellow stomach and dull green wings. Rock Wren mainly eat insects, especially moths, moth larvae, flies, beetles, scale insects and spiders. It fits into the bird species because it has wings and a small beak, it also fits in because it can fly. Rock Wrens are nationally endangered. The Rock Wren is a herbivore, that means that it is a primary consumer in the food chain.

The native animal that I chose was the Great Spotted Kiwi. It is a purply brown kiwi with white tiny spots all over and reddy-brown eyes. It is the largest kiwi at forty-five cm tall. The Great spotted kiwi eat mostly small invertebrates, especially earthworms and larvae of beetles and cicadas. It fit into the bird species because of its long beak and it also fits in because it once had wings, but it evolved. Great Spotted Kiwis are endangered.The Great Spotted is a herbivore and that means that it is a primary consumer.

The introduced species that I chose is a Stoat. A Stoat is long with a brown body apart from its white stomach and black tipped tail. A Stoat will turn white in winter. Stoats are no where near being endangered, but they are one of the main predators endangering our native birds. A Stoats main diet is rodents, birds, rabbits, hares, possums, insects particularly weta, Lizards, birds, eggs, hedgehogs. Stoats are in the mustelidae species which means they are large with a long tail and a black tip of the tail. Stoats are carnivore which means they are secondary  consumers.

All of the interesting plants and animals that Are above all live in the alpine habitat.

Jun 17, 2016 9:47:29 AM.jpg

Describe different habitats in New  Zealand and species that live in them.



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Classify groups of species in the living world and describe different habitats.

I cannot identify objects/ideas associated with groups of species in the living world and I need help to group them and link them to their habitat.

I can identify one relevant group within the groups of species in the living world and 1 habitat they live in.

I can identify 1 animal in a species group and the habitat it lives in.

I can identify several relevant groups and or subgroups within the groups of species in the living world.
I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.

I can give reasons why they live in this habitat  
I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.  I can give reasons why they belong to this group.

I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.  I can give reasons why they belong to this group.
I can give reasons why they live in this habitat.
I can look at these animals and habitats in a new way by showing my understanding through the art of Collage and a written description.  
Effective Strategies

1 animal, plant and aspect of habitat
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects of the habitat
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects the habitat. Written description of why animals are in their species groups and why they live in the habitat.
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects of the habitat. Written description of why animals are in their species groups and why they live in the habitat.
I can show this through my collage and my writing.                                                                                       

Assessment Task:
Part A: Create a collage of three animal species in their habitats.

Part B: Write paragraphs to describe the features of the animal and the habitat. Use the rubric to show understanding.

Draw/paint background to show the features of a habitat and collage an animal over it.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Te Reo Prases

WALT: Learn phrases about food in maori and translate them into english.

1. He aha to tino kai ki a koe? - What's your favorite food
2. He ropere taku tino kai ki ahau. - Strawberry is my favorite food.
3. He pai ki a koe nga ropere? - Do you like strawberry's? 
4. Ae, he pai ki ahau nga ropere. - Yes, I like strawberry's.
5. Kao, kaore i te pai ki ahau nga ropere. - No, I don't like strawberry's.

Next Step: try learning harder and longer phrases.