Term 1 2016 Goal Review and Next Steps
Name: Kayla
Parent Goal
Next Step
To be more spontaneous with basic facts- so she is well prepared for intermediate.
I have improved by practicing my basic facts over and over again.
My next step is to start being quicker at harder basic facts.
Student Goals
| Review |
Next Step
To make the Zones for athletics. To improve in maths e.g basic facts, decimals. To write more neatly- slope and links.
I have been practicing my skills to help me get in. I have improved by practicing my basic facts and decimals over and over again. I have been writing and trying to slope and write neater.
My next step is to try and prepare my arms for how heavy the discus and shot put. My next step is I need to try be quicker and do harder decimals and basic facts.My next step is to write in books or on paper more often.